The Titchfield Papers are a series of booklets about various aspects Titchfield history.
The series is ongoing.
The Adventurer
The Story of William Beeston, Governor of Jamaica
William Beeston was born in Titchfield and as a young man went out to the new colony of Port Royal on the island of Jamaica. He prospered and eventually became governor of the island.
ISBN: 978-1-993421-34-1
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How to get away with Murder
A Tale of Revenge and Murder from 1594
In 1594 two friends of the earl of Southampton sought refuge from their friend after a violent quarrel had left a man dead. The earl facilitated their escape to France and after a few years they were rehabilitated.
ISBN: 978-1-993421-35-8
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The new River
The mystery of the Titchfield Canal
The origins of the Titchfield Canal, a cut of some two miles from the village to the sea, are mysterious. this booklet tries to determine some explanation from the evidence.
ISBN: 978-1-993421-36-5
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Titchfield Abbey
300 years of history
Titchfield Abbey was founded as a Premonstratensian monastery in 1232. It prospered for just over 300 years when it was closed during the general dissolution of the monasteries.
ISBN: 978-1-993421-37-2
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Doctors and Surgeons in Titchfield
A history of medical practices yo the present day
The history of doctors and surgeons in Titchfield from the 18th century.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-00-5
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The Story of St Margarets
An unusual building from the 17th century
A house may have been built there in the 1560s but the present structure dates from 1524, with an 18th century addition.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-03-6
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The Making of Place House
A medieval abbey becomes a Tudor mansion
Place House at Titchfield was a former abbey acquired by Sir Thomas Wriothesley in 1538. He converted it into a great Tudor mansion which became home to the Earls of Southampton.
ISBN: 978-1-993421-38-9
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Lodgings and Ale
The story of Titchfield’s inns and breweries from the earliest times
Titchfield has a rich tradition of inns and the end of the 19th century there were 19 licensed houses and a flourishing brewery.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-04-3
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The Founder of a Dynasty
The remarkable rise to fortune of the 1st earl of Southampton
Thomas Wriothesley rose to become a powerful court official in the government of Henry VIII. He profited greatly from the dissolution of the monasteries and died a very rich man.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-05-0
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The Unhappy Earl
the Life of the 2nd Earl of Southampton
The 2nd Earl of Southampton had a short and furious life, marked by trouble with the authorities and a difficult marriage.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-06-7
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The Patron of Shakespeare and Virginia
The life of the 3rd earl of Southampton
The third Earl of Southampton sponsored William Shakespeare when he was starting out and later founded ironworks and was active in the early exploration ofNoprth America..
ISBN: 978-1-915166-07-4
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The Statesman
The Life of the 4th earl of Southampton
The 4th Earl of Southampton came into his inheritance in 1824 and had to deal with the turbulent reign of Charles I and the Comm0nwealth. When Charles II was restored to the throne in 1660 he was appointed Lord Treasurer.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-08-1
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At Your Service
The story of Firefighters and Policemen in Titchfield
At one time Titchfield operated its own fire service.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-18-0
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Titchfield's Ghost Stories
Tales of the Paranormal
The village has many old buildings and several sightings of ghosts at various times.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-23-4
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St Wilfrid's Legacy
The history of St Peter’s Church
The church was founded in the 7th century by Wilfred as part of early efforts to spread Christianity. Its subsequent long history has been distinguished.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-31-9

A History of Titchfield Mill
Thelong history of milling in Titchfield
There has been a mill on this site for at least 1000 years.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-32-6

The Wriothesley Women
The lives of the Countesses of Southampton and their daughters.
This tells the overlooked story of the Countesses of Southampton and their daughters, many of whose descendants held important dukedoms and one of whom is heir to the throne.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-19-7
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A Royal Wedding
The marriage of Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou at Titchfield in 1445
In 1445 Margaret of Anjou travelled from France to be married to Henry VI. That wedding took place in Titchfield Abbey.
ISBN: 978-1-915166-21-0
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The Titchfield Tragedy
A sensational story from the 19th century.
The country was shocked to hear that a woman living in the village savagely murdered her own and her step children. She was committed to a mental asylum.
ISBN: 978-0-993421-39-6