Tales of Abd’ El Azar

Tales of Abd’ el Azar is a fictional account of stories of magic, love and derring-do brought back to 17th century England by Thomas Swain, a merchant adventurer of Bristol who shared a cell with the aged storyteller Abd’ el Azar in Mosul, a city in present day Iraq.The Tales take us to Mesopotamia, to […]

Lanterns in Wet Leaves

The poems are made accessible by her directness of language, particularly through the skilful use of the sound and rhythm of the words. This comes as no surprise, given that Rosemary is herself an accomplished musician. She is also a visual artist and the illustrations and cover of this volume are her own work.

Sonata in the Key of Life

Rosemary Parrott’s first collection of poems takes the reader on a journey that is both physical and spiritual, moving from Guernsey to Crete, from Exposition to Development to Recapitulation. Richly descriptive, her words capture emotions and sentiments that will strike a chord in most readers’ minds and hearts. Whether she is describing the fertile imagination […]

I Grew Up in Wolverton

The small, the trivial, the large, the important – the memories come tumbling out in Facebook conversations as people recall their growing years in Wolverton. The memories range from the 1940s to the 1990s while people recall little bits of life in Wolverton. The result is a unique (and very readable) portrait of growing up […]

The Lost Streets of Wolverton

Almost 175 years ago Wolverton was the talk of the nation. Steam locomotive power was able to transport goods and passengers between London and Birmingham at hitherto unheard of speeds, and Wolverton was, of necessity, the stopping point for refreshment and vehicle maintenance. The London and Birmingham Railway, several years in the planning, opened in […]